Take Time to Be Well

Why is it that when we need a sick day, not a I’m hacking up everywhere, but a day to rest and recover, that we feel that we can’t take one? If I’m not, doctor’s note sick, I feel like I have to just push through. Or at least I used to feel that way, I still feel some of that guilt but I can push past it because I know this quote is true:

take time

I’m not saying that every time the Monday Blues comes along you should binge watch your favorite show and not move off the couch, I’m saying that you need to take a break when you and your body are getting overwhelmed. We all have obligations we have to meet, things that still have to get done, but it is okay to only do the minimum and take a break.

I have celiac disease, and I went through a very long period where I was sick more days than I was healthy. I am so grateful that I don’t have to deal with that on an everyday basis anymore, but I’m also grateful for the lessons I learned from being sick. I listen to my body and my spirit now. There are times when life still feels like just too much to handle, but I know how to get past those times now.

And yes, every once in awhile, that means taking a rest day.

with love – Sarah

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